Clayton Boyer Clock Designs


Number Six Clock

I call this clock "Number Six"

I like the movement of this clock, but I think it would look better dressed in Koa. All of the wheels are approximately eight inches in diameter for symmetry, and the movement of that big escape wheel, in full view, is very eye-catching.

Click on the video player below to see Philip Brutz's Number Six in action, or follow this link: Phillip's Number Six


Do you want to dress up your Number Six a little? Additional optional plans for a tall case, dial ring, three styles of enlarged hands, and an hourly strike mechanism are available for the Number Six Clock. The Tall Case Clock package is a separate optional package for the Number Six, and does not include the plans for the clock itself; clock plans are sold separately. Here is Bob Brown's beautiful Number Six Clock in his Optional Tall Case Package:

Bob's clock in action:


Also, be sure to check out Drew's wonderful YouTube how-to videos on building the Number Six. There are four parts to Drew's excellent tutorial:

Making The #6 Part 1. A Wooden Gear Clock

Making The #6 Part 2. A Wooden Gear Clock

Making The #6 Part 3. A Wooden Gear Clock

Making The #6 Part 4. A Wooden Gear Clock

There are even more wonderful Number Six clocks built by our friends here: Number Six on YouTube

And if you just can't get enough of this "Number Six" clock, don't miss this Flickr pool of completed Number Sixes by other clocksters: Number Six Pix

Number Six Clock plans and Optional Tall Case plans are available separately as instant downloads. If you would prefer a paper or emailed option, scroll down past the red buttons.

The instant download contains pdf and dxf plans:

Hand builders will use the pdf file.

Electronic builders will use the dxf files.

You do not need a Paypal account to purchase these plans--just use the "pay with credit or debit" option when you get the payment page.

The price of the Number Six Clock (not including the Optional Tall Case) is $37.00.


The price of the Optional Case ONLY (not including the clock) is $30.00. *Do not purchase the Optional Tall Case Plan by itself as it does not include plans for the clock, just the Tall Case.*

Don't want to instantly download? Both Number Six Clock plans and Optional Tall Case plans are available in TWO other formats:

Paper Plans via US Mail

The price of the Number Six Clock paper plan delivered by mail is $42.00 plus shipping.  The Optional Tall Case paper plans are $35.00 plus shipping.  If you would like to purchase one or both of the paper plans and receive them by U.S. mail, select one or both of the buttons below.

Add the Number Six Clock paper plans to your cart:

Add the Optional Tall Case (does NOT include clock) paper plans:


Plans Delivered via eMail

This email option contains BOTH pdf and dxf plans for Number Six:

Hand builders will use the pdf file.

Electronic builders will use the dxf files.

If you would like to purchase electronic plans in pdf and dxf format and receive them via email, you must have a valid email address that can receive a 5 MB attachment. Add to your safe senders list so we don't end up in your spam filter.

Plans purchased with the dxf and pdf option will be delivered to your inbox as an email attachment after payment is received, usually within 24 hours. The price of the plan delivered via email is $37.  To purchase dxf plans via email, select one or both of the buttons below.

Add the Number Six Clock plan in dxf and pdf format to your cart:

Add the Optional Tall Case (does NOT include clock) plan in dxf and pdf format to your cart. The price of the Tall Case plans is $30.00.** Do not purchase the Optional Tall Case Plan by itself as it does not include plans for the clock, just the Tall Case.**


Pay with PayPal, PayPal Credit or any major credit card